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The Importance of Teaching Our Children About Money

Writer's picture: Michelle Marie Michelle Marie

We are all leaders, even if we don’t realize it. We all have someone we impact (even if you don’t realize it) through our daily lives. We can affect coworkers, neighbors, friends, church family, and, most importantly, our children in our daily lives. When we understand that our children are watching everything we do and taking it in, good and bad, we realize the importance of being good examples. This is why you need to be sure you are giving them an excellent example is not only such things as manners, faith, and health but also with our finances and how we manage them.

Children are Little Sponges

Think about when your child was a baby. They took in everything you did like a little sponge and would copy your facial movements, then words, and then actions. This soaking in of all they see you do can translate into copying your bad habits, including your spending habits. If they see you always struggling with money and not being financially responsible, they may not learn how to be responsible for themselves. This could be to their detriment in their adult lives.

Lead a Child the Way They Should Go

It is never more important to teach your children how to manage their finances. From creating a budget to saving to credit cards to checking accounts and more, it is essential to start teaching your children about finances, even when they are young. Even the youngest child can tithe and give to the church, or save money for a big purchase. By teaching them this when they are younger, it will become deeply ingrained in them, leading to them becoming responsible adults.

It’s Never Too Early

It may seem like no big deal right now, or you may feel like it’s “none of their business” to discuss your finances with your kids, young or old, but doing so will teach and equip them.

It will arm them with the right information so that your children can make a more informed decision when faced with those situations and challenges. It is our responsibility as parents to give them these tools. This vulnerability is good for them and can be useful for us parents because we can learn from our experiences.

Children are our responsibility. If we do not teach them what they need to become independent adults, they will most likely have future problems. Our teaching should include how to manage finances. From learning how to create a budget to balancing a checkbook to responsible credit card usage and more, teaching them young can stave off many of the financial issues we as adults have dealt with. We all want our children to have a better life than us, but if we don’t teach them, how can we expect that to happen?

“Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6

And, here's a link to a load of resources to help you financially educate your children

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